Taking a Skill Assessment Test

Behaviors Section
Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand
themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet
the demands of their environment.
A person’s behavior is a necessary and integral part of who they are. In other words, much of
our behavior comes from “nature” (inherent), and much comes from “nurture” (our upbringing).
It is the universal language of “how we act,” or our observable human behavior.
In this report, we are measuring four dimensions of normal behavior. They are:
How you respond to problems and challenges.
How you influence others to your point of view.
How you respond to the pace of the environment.
How you respond to rules and procedures set by others.
This report analyzes behavioral style; that is, a person’s manner of doing things. Is the report
100% true? Yes, no and maybe. We are only measuring behavior. We only report statements
from areas of behavior in which tendencies are shown. To improve accuracy, feel free to make
notes or edit the report regarding any statement from the report that may or may not apply, but
only after checking with friends or colleagues to see if they agree.
Behavioral Characteristics
Based on David’s responses, the report has selected general statements to provide a broad
understanding of his work style. These statements identify the basic natural behavior that he brings to
the job. That is, if left on his own, these statements identify HOW HE WOULD CHOOSE TO DO THE JOB.
Use the general characteristics to gain a better understanding of David’s natural behavior.
David likes to win through persistence. He uses his strong, steady tendencies to accomplish his goals. He can be open, patient and tolerant of differences. His natural quality of being nonjudgmental is a great strength. Because he is receptive and listens well, he excels in gathering information. At times, David would like to slow the world down and cut out some of the activities people want him involved in. He is good at maintaining relationships both on and off
the job. He manifests a caring and warm demeanor to the people in his life. When challenged, he becomes more objective. David’s flexibility will allow him to fit into almost any environment. He is eager to please others. He wants others to be satisfied and he may go out of his way to accommodate others, sometimes even to his own discomfort. He wins through hard work and persistence. He likes to stay with one task until it is completed. Loyalty and being a
good manager are usually his goals. He is a good, steady, dependable manager. He can be motivated through teamwork. He likes to know he is a valued team member.
David may want to think over major decisions before acting. He must be convinced that actions will produce the desired result. He can be sensitive to the feelings of others and is able to display real empathy for those who are experiencing difficulties. Making plans and following those plans is important to him. He tries to use balanced
judgment. He is the person who brings stability to the entire team. David may tend to fight for his beliefs or those things he feels passionate about. Occasionally he will underplay bad news if telling it as it is will offend someone. He may fear it would disturb the relationship. He prefers to take time to analyze situations that can be felt, touched, seen, heard, personally observed or experienced. He prefers to plan his work and work his plan. Subordinates may find it refreshing to be on his team.

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David Wilson